Pre Publishing Notes

Some notes regarding setting up Unity so this project keeps with specifics of the Nokia Game Jam (i.e. operates like an old school Nokia phone.)

I used the Nokia Mimic package that I had made a couple years ago. There were still some tweaks before this all worked well for publishing in a WebGL setting for itch. 

In the constrained position scene, I changed the values of the Main Camera:

Additionally, I set the resolution for the Game tab to 960x540. I set the resolution to the same in the Player Settings for the WebGL build as well.

Also worth noting while Transform.Translate seems to work fine in the editor, when published, the constrains of the frames per second didn't translate the same. I had to set the speed of the player to a higher value in order for the player to actually move.

I changed the approach by creating a Texture to project the camera on to - the texture being 84x48. Turned the Filter Mode to "Point."

I also had to change the Generation Settings of the ARK SDF asset in order to properly display on the screen (the pixels were bleeding otherwise).

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8 days ago